
Financial Privacy Notice

Website Privacy Policy

West Shore Bank (sometimes referred to as “we”) respects your privacy. This privacy policy provides information about the West Shore Bank’s collection and use of personal information about its users obtained by West Shore Bank via this web site only. Personal information is specific information about you that enables us to identify you, such as your name, email address and home address.

Personal Information
You may visit this web site without providing any personal information about yourself. You may choose to provide us with personal information if, for example, you apply for a job, send us questions through email, or participate in our online banking activities. Personal information provided voluntarily through this web site may be used to help us tailor our web site, publications and services to our users’ needs.

A “cookie” is a text file sent by a web server to your browser and which may then be stored on your hard drive. This web site uses cookies for limited purposes. Cookies are a common technique used to track a specific identifiable user’s activity online. In addition, sometimes third-party contractors will use cookies on web sites they provide for us. For example, the calculators on our web site, linked to our Calculators page, are operated by a third-party contractor that uses cookies. Since that web site is not operated by West Shore Bank, this privacy policy does not apply to the collection, use or maintenance of personal information of any other information from or by that site.

Collection of Personal Information
We may use cookies on this site to collect statistical information about our users in aggregate.

We may perform analyses on our server’s log files to determine, among other things:

  • Our site’s most popular pages
  • The browsers and operating systems most often used by our visitors
  • The sites and search engines that have referred visitors to our site
  • The domains from which our users visit us

These analyses are used only for the purpose of helping us understand and better meet our audience’s needs. Such analyses do not involve personal information.

When you fill out our online forms, they may be delivered to a West Shore Bank email address or database. Your online communications are not encrypted. We cannot guarantee the security of the information sent electronically, whether submitted via online form or email. West Shore Bank monitors this web site for unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, to defeat or circumvent security measures or to utilize this site for anything other than its intended purposes. By using this web site, you expressly consent to such monitoring, and you are advised that if such monitoring reveals possible evidence of criminal activity, we will provide such evidence to the appropriate law enforcement officials.

Disclosure of Personal Information
Generally, personal information collected via this web site is for West Shore Bank use only. We do not rent, sell or share personal information about you with other people or nonaffiliated companies except under the following circumstances:

  • When we have your permission.
  • When we retain the services of outside agents or third parties under contract with West Shore Bank. Such personal information is only provided to, and is only used by, those parties in conjunction with the services they provide to West Shore Bank.
  • When we are required to disclose personal information about you, or a company with which you are associated, to government officials or otherwise as required by subpoenas, court orders, legal process or other legal obligations or to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against claims.
  • When we investigate, prevent or take action against illegal activities or suspect fraud.

Safeguarding Personal Information
The safeguarding of personal information is important to West Shore Bank. While we endeavor to maintain the security of personal information in our possession, we cannot guarantee such security. West Shore Bank is in no way responsible for the security of personal information or any other information provided by you while the information is being communicated to West Shore Bank via this web site, through email or otherwise. Nor is West Shore Bank responsible for safeguarding information that you provide a third party.

This web site is not directed toward children under the age of 13, nor does West Shore Bank knowingly collect, maintain or use personal information obtained via this web site about children under the age of 13. If a child whom we know to be under the age of 13 sends personal information to us online, we will only use that personal information to respond directly to the child, notify parents or seek parental consent. Minor children should always obtain parental consent before releasing information to this or any web site.

This web site contains links to other web sites. West Shore Bank is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such web sites.

Policy Changes
We reserve the right to change this policy at any time without notice. The Bank will not provide you with notice of changes to this policy. You are responsible for reviewing this policy and any changes to it.

Contact Information
Questions or comments about West Shore Bank’s privacy policy may be directed to Customer Service at